Safety & Security

The only private hotel in the area with a full blast-protection T-wall, Chelsea Village hotel is secured by internationally certified Hart Nationwide.

Security at Chelsea Village Hart Nationwide

At Chelsea Village hotel security is taken very seriously. Gate control is of the highest standard, with all guests pre-vetted, and the hotel is secured by blast wall protection with defensive positions throughout the compound.

Our NapCap containers are made out of welded steel, instead of the flat pack units most sites offer. The accommodation is further safeguarded with extra overhead protection comprising layers of sandbags and a stand-off detonation screen.

Our Services

Hart Nationwide provides static and mobile protection of personnel, resources and infrastructure.

  • Mobile Security
  • Close Personal Protection Teams
  • Armed Static Site Security
  • Explosive Detective Dog Teams
  • Risk Management
  • Aviation Security (AVSEC)
  • Provision of Medical and Security Training

Security provided by Hart Nationwide

Our on-site security is provided by Hart Nationwide who are also on-hand to provide our guests with mobile security.

In operation since early 2014, Hart Nationwide is a partnership between Hart and Nationwide Enterprises – a leading service provider in Somalia specialising in complex projects in highly sensitive regions. Hart Nationwide is licensed to operate Somalia-wide.

Always accountable, Hart Nationwide provides experienced international personnel with backgrounds in the armed forces and police services. These team leaders work alongside trained Somali staff to deliver quality security services with our experienced in-country management team providing support from our central operations room.

Accommodation in Mogadishu, Somalia


We believe that comfort shouldn’t be compromised, regardless of the location.



Just as our clients are a diverse mix of cultures and nationalities, so are our chefs.



Strong WiFi, excellent video conference, exercise facilities and more.